
Psalms 37:23

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way.”

Much is being said about reimagine, reformation, and change within the ranks of The Foursquare Church.  The enemy would like for us to believe that this is a bad thing.  However, I think it is a great thing.

Look at the development of humans.  A baby is born and there is a certain amount of organized chaos and uncertainly, but the parents know the this process is required for the baby to grow.  Around the age of six, the child moves into an elementary school slumber where things typically move along at a normal pace.  WHOA!  Puberty hits!  An amazing amount of reformation happens during this time.  Around the early twenties, things even out again and the now young adult settles in a bit.   Then it happens!  The young adult falls in love and the chaos of engagement

and marriage begins.  After the honeymoon season, life swings back to more normality.  Only to find out they are pregnant!  T
he chaos starts again.

Wouldn’t it be sad if these seasons came and never left?  Ecclesiastes 3:1 says it so well, “To everything there is a season.”  What season are you in right now?  Are you enjoying the season?  Or are you fighting it every step of the way?

If, as Psalms 37:23 says, “Our steps are ordered of the Lord,” then a better path will be to accept the things cannot change and change those things we can change.  Let’s delight in the path that God gives us and enjoy the changing seasons!