Sharing My Faith

Mark 16:15  “And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”

Recently I took a vacation where I did a lot of driving.  And when I say a lot of driving, I mean about 2000 miles.  And, I drove it all by myself!  You might think that I am crazy, but I really do enjoy the time in the car.  I can pray, think, and listen.  My world is so busy, and I have a hard time making myself sit down and just listen.

It was on the first eight-hour journey that God spoke to me.  In just a very few seconds, He opened up this revelation.  He revealed to me:  1)  that what I was doing on this trip was okay and that I didn’t need to change, 2)  that He had a specific purpose for this season of my life, and 3)  that He wanted me to share my faith in Him to the people with whom I would come into contact. In that moment, I knew that I was getting ready to have opportunities to share God’s love and what God has done for me.

A couple days later, I was at an Outback restaurant in Orlando and our waiter, Tim came over to the table with our check.  I felt compelled to ask him about his goals in life, whether waiting tables was what he wanted to do or if there was something else.  He shared that he wanted to finish college, but he had gotten off track with some life issues and was trying to get back to classes.  I was able to encourage him to not let things keep him from his dreams and was even able to share a little bit about the Lord.  He told me that he needed to hear what I had said to him.

On this past Tuesday, another person came across my path.  I was walking into Zaxby’s and a lady, whom we will call Nita, came out of the door of the restaurant.  We greeted each other and then she asked me if I knew any restaurant that was hiring.  I told her I did not but gave her a couple of suggestions.  We parted company and as I was headed into Zaxby’s I heard a still, small voice say, “Missed opportunity.”  So I went back out the door and caught up with the lady.  I told her I felt like I should pray with her.  She started crying and told me that earlier that morning she had told God that today was the day for her to get a job.  As I prayed I felt God’s presence and I prayed a very bold prayer, asking God to give her a job by the end of the day.  After we were done, I invited her to our church and let her know that New Hope was a place where she would be welcomed.

I don’t know what Tim will do with that information.  I don’t know if the Nita will come to church or  if she got a job.  What I do know is that God will place people in my path and He will ask me to share with them.  That’s my job.  His job is to perform the miracles.  And, when I do my part, I feel so blessed and happy!  I pray that I will not miss any opportunity to share about His love and grace!

2 Replies to “Sharing My Faith”

  1. It is so freeing to know that we don’t have to “get them saved”! We can all pray and lead others to Jesus for a “face to face” meeting but the transaction is between them! Listen for His voice, then act on it!

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