Cell Phones vs. Holy Spirit

Ephesians 5:18  “And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit.”

Psalms 27:33  “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way.”

In 1970, I made the leap into teenager-hood.  My best friend lived down the street from me.  Almost every evening we would go for a walk after school.  The only technology we had was a home phone, and we were amazed when the push button variety came out.  Cell phones were not an option then.  Every one in the family shared the home phone with only one number.  It’s hard to remember back to the days of no cell phones.

Things have changed since 1970.  Now, most everyone over the age of ten has their own cell phone.  When you enter almost any public place these days, people (young and old) are playing on their cell phones.  We use our phones to, play games, check our email, find directions, look up things on the internet, texting, occasionally calling someone to talk, etc.  We think we cannot live without these phones.  We are tied to them.  They control our lives.

What would our world look like if we had the same relationship with the Holy Spirit that we have with our cell phones?  If we were to become tied to and controlled by the Holy Spirit, I imagine that our world would be a different place.  Not only would we act differently in a lot of situations, but we would be making an impact in others’ lives as well.

Most of the time, the things we use our cell phones for are not important in the grand scheme of things.  However, allowing the Holy Spirit to lead and guide our lives is of eternal importance.  If our “steps are ordered of the Lord,” the next person in your path may well be a divine appointment from the Holy Spirit.

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